Projectvideo – NAM / Royal Wagenborg

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The Kasteelborg is the second Walk to Work ship in Wagenborg Offshore’s fleet and is being deployed by NAM and Shell UK. This so-called Walk to Work Emergency Response and Rescue Vessel will provide maintenance to unmanned platforms in the southern Northsea as standby- and support vessel, together with the Kroonborg. The Kroonborg has been put to use three years ago. No longer will personnel use a helicopter to travel to an unmanned platform. Instead, the crew stays on the ship and will use a walkway to enter the platform. For the use of Kasteelborg, NAM and Shell UK signed an agreement with Wagenborg Offshore for the duration of six years. The use of Kasteelborg gives NAM and Shell UK the opportunity to further simplify their platforms, make them more sustainable and give them new functions. With activities, old and new forms of energy go hand to glove on the Northsea. NAM, Shell and Wagenborg enter this future together. AVE-Solutions produced a Projectvideo for NAM and Royal Wagenborg.

Production Sheet

Mini Documentaire
Including – Journaal

Royal Wagenborg


Wagenborg Offshore has been awarded a 6-year contract by Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij (NAM) and SHELL UK Exploration & Production (Shell UK)) for the provision of a second walk-to-work vessel. NAM and Shell UK work together in combined business unit on the gas production on the Southern Northsea. The vessel will support its offshore operations. This long-term contract was signed November 13 th by the directors of the companies. The so-called ‘Walk-to-Work Emergency Response and Rescue Vessel’ (W2W ERRV) will operate as a standby and support vessel for inspection and maintenance of the unmanned platforms in both Dutch and British waters. Bron:


Delfzijl – The Netherlands
Den Helder – The Netherlands
Platforms in Southern Part of North Sea

December 2017 – April 2018

Videojournaal Approx. 2 minutes
MiniDocu Approx. 10 minutes

NAM Website
Royal Wagenborg Website
Sharing of footage national / regional television



Meer video's van Walk_to_Work

Documentaire – W2W Project

Launching video mv. Kroonborg / Niestern Sander

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Ontwikkeld door Convident in samenwerking met AVE Solutions